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On Games and Simulations
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This is a guest blog by Hans-Dieter Hiep, a student from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam who worked with me to build a GUI for our work on game-based (bi)simula...
A MOOC on system validation is born
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Exciting news! Today the MOOC on system validation that I have developed with Mohammad Reza Mousavi from Halmstad University has started. The MOOC is based o...
Recording a MOOC on System Validation: Some Experiences
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Recently I visited Halmstad University Together with Mohammad Mousavi, we recorded a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the subject of system validation. T...
WSFM/BEAT 2015 Deadline Extension
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This is just a quick note about WSFM/BEAT 2015. The submission deadlines have been extended by a couple of days, so you can still submit.